Frederick, Prince of Wales

Prince of Wales
Duke of Edinburgh
Successor George, Prince of Wales
Spouse Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha
Princess Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick
George III, King of the United Kingdom, King of Hanover
Prince Edward, Duke of York
Princess Elizabeth
Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester
Prince Henry, Duke of Cumberland
Princess Louisa
Prince Frederick
Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway
Full name
Frederick Louis
German: Friedrich Ludwig
House House of Hanover
Father George II of Great Britain
Mother Caroline of Ansbach
Born 1 February 1707(1707-02-01) (New Style)
Hanover, Germany
Died 20 March 1751(1751-03-20) (aged 44)
Leicester House, London
Burial 13 April 1751
Westminster Abbey, London

Frederick, Prince of Wales (Frederick Louis; 1 February 1707 – 20 March 1751) was a member of the House of Hanover and therefore of the Hanoverian and later British Royal Family, the eldest son of George II and father of George III, as well as the great-grandfather of Queen Victoria. Under the Act of Settlement passed by the English Parliament in 1701, Frederick was in the direct line of succession to the British throne. He moved to Great Britain following the accession of his father, and was created Prince of Wales. He predeceased his father George II, however, and upon the latter's death on 25 October 1760, the throne passed to Prince Frederick's eldest son, George, Prince of Wales, who reigned as King George III from 1760 until 1820.

Frederick served as the tenth Chancellor of Trinity College, Dublin, from 1728 to 1751.

Prince Frederick had a hostile relationship with his parents.[1]


Early life

Prince Frederick Louis (sometimes rendered Lewis),[2] was born in Hanover, Germany, as Duke Friedrich Ludwig of Hanover. His godparents were his paternal grandfather George I, the Elector of Hanover and later King of Great Britain, and his great-uncle Frederick I, King in Prussia and Elector of Brandenburg.[3] Frederick was nicknamed "Griff" within the family.[4]

His parents, Prince George (later George II) and Caroline of Ansbach, were called upon to leave the country when their eldest son was only seven years old. He was left in the care of his great-uncle Ernest Augustus, Prince-Bishop of Osnabrück. He did not see his parents again until he arrived in England in 1728 as a grown man. By then, George and Caroline had several younger children, and Frederick was a high-spirited youth fond of drinking, gambling and women.[5] The long separation damaged their relationship, and they would never be close.[6]

In 1722, Frederick was inoculated against smallpox by Charles Maitland on the instructions of his mother Caroline.[7] His grandfather created him Duke of Edinburgh, Marquess of the Isle of Ely,[8] Earl of Eltham in the county of Kent, Viscount of Launceston in the county of Cornwall and Baron of Snaudon in the county of Carnarvon, on 26 July 1726.[9] The latter two titles have been interpreted differently since — the "of"s are omitted and Snaudon rendered as Snowdon.

Prince of Wales

The motives for the ill-feeling between Frederick and his parents may include the fact that he had been set up by his grandfather, even as a small child, as the representative of the House of Hanover, and was used to presiding over official occasions in the absence of his parents. He was not permitted to go to Great Britain until after his father took the throne as George II on 11 June 1727. Frederick had continued to be known as Prince Friedrich Ludwig of Hanover (with his British HRH style) even after his father had been created Prince of Wales.

In 1728, Frederick (his name now anglicised) was finally brought to Britain[10]and was created Prince of Wales on 8 January 1729.[11]

He had a will of his own and sponsored a court of 'opposition' politicians. Frederick and his group supported the Opera of the Nobility in Lincoln's Inn Fields as a rival to Handel's royally-sponsored opera at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket.[12] Frederick was a genuine lover of music who played the viola and cello;[13] he is depicted playing a cello in an oil portrait by Philip Mercier of Frederick and his sisters, now part of the National Portrait Gallery collection.[14] He enjoyed the natural sciences and the arts, and became a thorn in the side of his parents, thwarting their every ambition and making a point of opposing them in everything, according to the court gossip Lord Hervey. At court, the favourite was Frederick's younger brother, Prince William, Duke of Cumberland, to the extent that the king looked into ways of splitting his domains so that Frederick would succeed only in Britain, while Hanover would go to William.[15]

Hervey and Frederick (using a pseudonym "Captain Bodkin") wrote a theatrical comedy together which was staged at the Drury Lane Theatre in October 1731. It was panned by the critics, and even the theatre's manager thought it so bad that it was unlikely to play out even the first night. He had soldiers stationed in the audience to maintain order, and when the play flopped the audience was given their money back.[16] Hervey and Frederick also shared a mistress, Anne Vane, who had a son called FitzFrederick Vane in June 1732. Either one of them, or even William Stanhope, 1st Earl of Harrington, another of her lovers, could have been the father.[17] Jealousy between them may have contributed to a breach, and their friendship ended. Hervey later wrote bitterly that Frederick was "false ... never having the least hesitation in telling any lie that served his present purpose."[18]

A permanent result of Frederick's patronage of the arts is "Rule Britannia", one of the best-known British patriotic songs. It was written by the Scottish poet and playwright James Thomson as part of the masque Alfred which was first performed on 1 August 1740 at Cliveden, the country home of the Prince and Princess of Wales. The music was by the English composer Thomas Arne, another of Frederick's favorite artists. A masque linking the Prince with both the ancient hero-king Alfred the Great's victories over the Vikings and with the contemporary issue of building up the British sea power obviously went well with Frederick's political plans and aspirations. Later the song got a permanent life of his own regardless of the masque. Thomson, who supported the Prince of Wales politically, also dedicated to him an earlier major work, Liberty (1734).

British Royalty
House of Hanover
George II
   Frederick, Prince of Wales
   Anne, Princess of Orange
   Princess Amelia
   Princess Caroline
   Prince William, Duke of Cumberland
   Mary, Landgravine of Hesse-Cassel
   Louise, Queen of Denmark
   Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick
   George III
   Edward, Duke of York
   Princess Elizabeth
   William Henry, Duke of Gloucester
   Henry, Duke of Cumberland
   Princess Louisa
   Prince Frederick
   Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark
   Princess Sophia of Gloucester
   Princess Caroline of Gloucester
   William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester

Patron of the arts

Unlike the king, Frederick was a knowledgeable amateur of painting, who patronized immigrant artists like Jacopo Amigoni and Jean Baptiste Vanloo, who painted the portraits of the prince and his consort for Frederick's champion William Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath. The list of other artists he employed—Philip Mercier, John Wootton, George Knapton and the French engraver Joseph Goupy—represents some of the principal figures of the English Rococo. William Kent's neo-Palladian state barge of 1732 is still preserved, though Sir William Chambers' palace at Kew for his widow Augusta (1757) was demolished in 1802.

Domestic life

Negotiations between George II and his brother-in-law Frederick William I of Prussia on a proposed marriage between the Prince of Wales and Frederick William's daughter Wilhelmine were welcomed by Frederick even though the couple had never met.[19] George II was not keen on the proposal but continued talks for diplomatic reasons. Frustrated by the delay, Frederick sent an envoy of his own to the Prussian court. When the King discovered the plan, he immediately arranged for Frederick to leave Hanover for England.[20] The marriage negotiations foundered when Frederick William demanded that Frederick be made Regent in Hanover.[21]

Frederick also almost married Lady Diana Spencer, daughter of Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of Sunderland and Lady Anne Churchill. Lady Diana was the favorite grandchild of the powerful Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. The duchess sought for a royal alliance by marrying Lady Diana with the Prince of Wales with a massive dowry of £100,000. The prince who was in great debt also agreed to the proposal but the plan was vetoed by Robert Walpole and the king. Lady Diana soon married John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford.

Although in his youth he was undoubtedly a spendthrift and womaniser, Frederick settled down following his marriage to the seventeen-year-old Augusta of Saxe-Gotha in 1736. The wedding was held at St. James's Palace and was presided over by the Bishop of London.

In May 1736, George II returned to Hanover, which resulted in unpopularity in England; a satirical notice was even pinned to the gates of St James's Palace decrying his absence. "Lost or strayed out of this house", it read, "a man who has left a wife and six children on the parish."[22] The King made plans to return in the face of inclement weather; when his ship was caught in a storm, gossip swept London that he had drowned. Eventually, in January 1737, he arrived back in England.[23] Immediately he fell ill, with piles and a fever, and withdrew to his bed. The Prince of Wales put it about that the King was dying, with the result that George insisted on getting up and attending a social event to disprove the gossip-mongers.[24]

Quickly accumulating large debts, Frederick relied for an income on his wealthy friend, George Bubb Dodington. The Prince's father refused to make him the financial allowance that the Prince considered should have been his.

Frederick's public opposition to his father's government continued; he opposed the unpopular Gin Act 1736, which tried to control the Gin Craze.[25] Frederick applied to Parliament for an increased financial allowance which had hitherto been denied him by the King, and public disagreement over the payment of the money drove a further wedge between parents and son. Frederick's allowance was raised but by less than he had asked for.[26]

In June 1737, Frederick informed his parents that Augusta was pregnant, and due to give birth in October. In fact, Augusta's due date was earlier and a peculiar episode followed in July in which the Prince, on discovering that his wife had gone into labour, sneaked her out of Hampton Court Palace in the middle of the night, to ensure that the King and Queen could not be present at the birth.[27] George and Caroline were horrified. Traditionally, royal births were witnessed by members of the family and senior courtiers to guard against supposititous children, and Augusta had been forced by her husband to ride in a rattling carriage while heavily pregnant and in pain. With a party including two of her daughters and Lord Hervey, the Queen raced over to St. James's Palace, where Frederick had taken Augusta.[28] Caroline was relieved to discover that Augusta had given birth to a "poor, ugly little she-mouse" rather than a "large, fat, healthy boy" which made a supposititious child unlikely since the baby was so pitiful.[29] The circumstances of the birth deepened the estrangement between mother and son.[29]

Frederick was banished from the King's court,[15] and a rival court grew up at Frederick's new residence, Leicester House.[30] His mother fell fatally ill at the end of the year, but the King refused Frederick permission to see her.[31] He became a devoted family man, taking his wife and eight children (his youngest daughter was born posthumously) to live in the countryside at Cliveden, where he fished, shot and rowed.[32] In 1742, Robert Walpole left office and the realignment of the government led to a reconciliation between father and son, as Frederick's friends gained influence.[33]

After the Jacobite Rising of 1745, Frederick met Flora MacDonald, who had been imprisoned in the Tower of London for aiding the escape of the Rising's leader Charles Edward Stuart. He helped in securing her eventual release.[34] In 1747, Frederick rejoined the political opposition, and the King responded by calling an early general election, which Frederick's party lost.[35]


By the time Frederick arrived in Great Britain, cricket had developed into the country's most popular team sport and it thrived on gambling. Perhaps because he wished to "anglicise" and so fit in with his new society, Frederick developed an academic interest in cricket that soon became a genuine enthusiasm. He began to make wagers and then to patronise and play the sport, even forming his own team on several occasions.

The earliest mention of Frederick in cricket annals is in a contemporary report that concerns a major match on Tuesday 28 September 1731 between Surrey and London, played on Kennington Common. No post-match report was found despite advance promotion as "likely to be the best performance of this kind that has been seen for some time". It is interesting that "for the convenience of the gamesters, the ground is to be staked and roped out" which was a new practice in 1731 and could have been done partly for the benefit of a royal visitor. The advertisement refers to "the whole county of Surrey" as London's opponents and states that the Prince of Wales is "expected to attend".[36]

In August 1732, the Whitehall Evening Post reported that Frederick attended "a great cricket match" at Kew on Thursday 27 July.[37]

By the 1733 season, he was really getting involved. We read of him giving a guinea to each player in a Surrey v Middlesex game at Moulsey Hurst.[38] Then he awarded a silver cup to a combined Surrey & Middlesex team which had just beaten Kent, arguably the best county team at the time, at Moulsey Hurst on Wed 1 August.[38] This is the first reference in cricket history to any kind of trophy (other than hard cash) being contested. On Friday 31 August, the Prince of Wales' XI played Sir William Gage's XI on Moulsey Hurst. The result is unknown but the teams were said to be of county standard, so presumably it was in effect a Surrey v Sussex match.[39]

In the years following 1733, there are frequent references to the Prince of Wales as a patron of cricket and as an occasional player, though it is doubtful if he was actually any good as a player.

When he died on 20 March 1751, cricket suffered a double impact for his death closely followed that of Charles Lennox, 2nd Duke of Richmond, who was the game's greatest patron. The loss of these patrons had an adverse impact on the game’s finances and the number of top-class matches reduced for some years to come, although economic difficulties arising from the wars of the period certainly inhibited many potential investors.[40]

Death and legacy

His political ambitions unfulfilled, Frederick died at Leicester House at the age of forty-four in 1751 from a burst abscess in the lung. The abscess has been commonly attributed to a blow by a cricket or a real tennis ball, but this is unproven.[41][42] He was buried at Westminster Abbey on 13 April 1751.

Fredericksburg, Virginia; Fredericton, New Brunswick; Prince Frederick, Maryland; Fort Frederick, Kingston, Ontario; and Fort Frederica, Georgia, USA, were named after him.

The Prince of Wales' epigram (quoted by William Makepeace Thackeray, "Four Georges"):

"Here lies poor Fred who was alive and is dead,
Had it been his father I had much rather,
Had it been his sister nobody would have missed her,
Had it been his brother, still better than another,
Had it been the whole generation, so much better for the nation,
But since it is Fred who was alive and is dead,
There is no more to be said!"

Titles, styles, honours and arms

Titles and styles


Between his creation as Duke of Edinburgh in 1726 and his creation as Prince of Wales, he bore the arms of the kingdom, differentiated by a label argent of three points, the centre point bearing a cross gules. As Prince of Wales, the difference changed to simply a label argent of three points.[45] Frederick never succeeded his father as Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire and so the red escutcheon in the center of his Hanover quarter is blank.[46]

Ancestry and issue



Name Birth Death Notes
By the Honourable Anne Vane
Unnamed daughter Unknown Died in infancy.
FitzFrederick Cornwall Vane 4 June 1732 1736 Died aged four.
By Margaret, Countess of Marsac
Charles, Count of Marsac 1736 1820 Died aged eighty-four, unmarried.
By Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha
Princess Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick 31 August 1737 23 March 1813 Married, 1764, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick; had issue.
George III 4 June 1738 29 January 1820 Married, 1761, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; had issue.
Prince Edward, Duke of York 14 March 1739 17 September 1767 Died aged twenty-eight, unmarried.
Princess Elizabeth 30 December 1740 4 September 1759 Died aged eighteen, unmarried.
Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester 14 November 1743 25 August 1805 Married, 1766, Maria Waldegrave, Countess Waldegrave; had issue.
Prince Henry, Duke of Cumberland 27 November 1745 18 September 1790 Married, 1771, Anne Luttrell; no issue.
Princess Louisa 8 March 1749 13 May 1768
Prince Frederick 13 May 1750 29 December 1765
Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway 11 July 1751 10 May 1775 Married, 1766, Christian VII, King of Denmark and Norway; had issue.



  1. ^ Thomson: Odd Men In, p. 16.
  2. ^ The London Gazette for Frederick's knighthood
  3. ^ Yvonne's Royalty Home Page: Royal Christenings
  4. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 20
  5. ^ Van der Kiste, pp. 39, 85
  6. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 112
  7. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 83
  8. ^ London Gazette — creation as Prince of Wales
  9. ^ London Gazette — creation as Duke of Edinburgh
  10. ^ Trench, pp. 141–142; Van der Kiste, pp.115–116
  11. ^ Prince of Wales: Previous princes
  12. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 125
  13. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 111
  14. ^ Frederick, Prince of Wales, and his sisters, National Portrait Gallery, retrieved 19 February 2011
  15. ^ a b Van der Kiste, p. 158
  16. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 114
  17. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 115
  18. ^ Quoted in Van der Kiste, p. 115
  19. ^ Van der Kiste, pp. 109–110
  20. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 110
  21. ^ Van der Kiste, pp. 86, 118
  22. ^ Van der Kiste, pp. 149–150
  23. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 152
  24. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 153
  25. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 148
  26. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 154
  27. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 155
  28. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 156
  29. ^ a b Van der Kiste, p. 157
  30. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 159
  31. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 161
  32. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 113
  33. ^ Van der Kiste, pp. 175–176
  34. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 187
  35. ^ Van der Kiste, p. 188
  36. ^ H. T. Waghorn, The Dawn of Cricket, Electric Press, 1906.
  37. ^ G. B. Buckley, Fresh Light on 18th Century Cricket, Cotterell, 1935.
  38. ^ a b H. T. Waghorn, Cricket Scores, Notes, etc. (1730–1773), Blackwood, 1899.
  39. ^ Timothy J. McCann, Sussex Cricket in the Eighteenth Century, Sussex Record Society, 2004.
  40. ^ From Lads to Lord's; The History of Cricket: 1300–1787
  41. ^ Deborah Fisher, Princes of Wales (University of Wales Press, 2006).
  42. ^ Van der Kiste, pp. 190–191
  43. ^ The London Gazette consistently refers to him as "His Royal Highness Prince Frederick" [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]
  44. ^ Prince of Wales – Previous Princes
  45. ^ Marks of Cadency in the British Royal Family
  46. ^ Maclagan, Michael; Louda, Jiří (1999), Line of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, London: Little, Brown & Co, pp. 32, ISBN 0-85605-469-1 


External links

Media related to [//,_Prince_of_Wales Frederick, Prince of Wales] at Wikimedia Commons
Frederick, Prince of Wales
Cadet branch of the House of Welf
Born: 1 February 1707 Died: 31 March 1751
British royalty
Preceded by
George, Prince of Wales
later became King George II
Heir to the Thrones
as heir apparent
11 June 1727 – 31 March 1751
Succeeded by
Prince George
later became King George III
Prince of Wales
Peerage of England
Preceded by
George, Prince of Wales
later became King George II
Duke of Cornwall
Title next held by
Prince George Augustus Frederick
later became King George IV
Peerage of Scotland
Preceded by
George, Prince of Wales
later became King George II
Duke of Rothesay
Title next held by
Prince George Augustus Frederick
later became King George IV
Peerage of Great Britain
New creation Duke of Edinburgh
1st creation
Succeeded by
Prince George
later became King George III